via Zoom meeting

The Facts You Need to Debunk Animal Agriculture Greenwashing
Animal Justice Academy Lunchtime Live
with Dr. Vasile Stanescu
12pm - 1pm

Animal agriculture is one of the biggest causes of climate change, and as this truth begins to reach the wider population, greenwashing by the animal ag industry is becoming increasingly more sophisticated.

Borrowing from the playbook of the tobacco and the fossil fuel industries, animal agribusiness is using a plethora of deceptions to hide the harm they're doing. They've used concepts like "regenerative grazing", as well as skewed sustainability markers and aggressive "green" meat marketing to confuse the public and deflect responsibility.

In this session, Dr. Vasile Stanescu will not only debunk the industry's myths and misinformation, but will teach the most effective ways YOU can debunk animal ag greenwashing in your own communications, whether that be with policy makers or your own family.

We'll also talk about the course Vasile is offering as part of the new Vegan Studies Initiative at Arihanta Institute. Lead coordinator of this online Masters program, Dr. Jonathan Dickstein, will also drop in to share more about this academic initiative focused on promoting and enacting veganism for a more compassionate world.

*We invite folks to have their video on during this event to enhance the sense of community, but it’s not mandatory

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About Dr. Vasile Stanescu: 

Dr. Vasile Stanescu received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in the program of Modern Thought and Literature. He is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Mercer University. Dr. Stanescu is the co-founder and former co-Senior Editor of the Critical Animal Studies Book Series published by Brill/Rodopi Press, and a co-founder of the North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS). He has also served on the editorial collective for the Journal for Critical Animal Studies and co-organized the Stanford Environmental Humanities Project. He is currently a member of the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN) based out of Brown University.

A pioneer in the field of Critical Animal Studies, Dr. Stanescu has over 25 peer-reviewed publications on the study of animals and the environment. His work has been featured in journals such as the American Behavioral Scientist, The Journal of American Culture, Animal Studies Journal, and the Journal for Critical Animal Studies. His research has been recognized by numerous institutions, including The Woods Institute for the Environment, Minding Animals International, The Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Culture and Animals Foundation, the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, and the Institutul Cultural Român. A committed advocate for animal liberation, Dr. Stanescu has been vegan for over 20 years..

Animal Justice Academy is a free online training program, community (10,000 strong!), & action collective for those who want to make a better world for animals

We offer a self-paced course and ongoing live panels & workshops in becoming effective & enduring advocates for animals through politics, media, community engagement, policy, promotion of veganism, and public outreach. Sign up for free at

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