via Zoom meeting

Vegan Investing 101 with Justin Manning

As animal advocates, we know all-too-well how people's day-to-day spending can support destructive systems OR help dismantle them.

That's why how you invest your personal money can be a powerful form of activism.

AJAer and Vegan Financial Advisor Justin Manning is bringing along some of his colleagues to give us guidance around investing in a way that doesn't hurt animals and the planet. They'll give us the pros and cons of different paths depending on where you're at.

Justin will also discuss some of the things to keep in mind to help get more secure in your financial wellness, which can create more stability for your activism work.

*We invite folks to have their video on during this event to enhance the sense of community, but it’s not mandatory

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About Justin Manning: 

After more than a decade as a group/personal fitness trainer, Justin completed his Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) in 2016 and his Canadian Investment Funds Course (CIFC) in 2018. Justin is currently Life and Accident & Sickness licensed in Alberta, B.C., and Ontario (2022). He has over fifty 5-star Google Reviews, over twenty thousand LinkedIn connections, he's a new father to a 7-month-old Vegan daughter, and he's on a mission to help impact-driven people and companies. Learn more at