via Zoom meeting

Animal Justice Academy Lunchtime Live
with Aidan Kankyoku
12pm - 1pm

There's some new in-depth research being done recently in the farmed animal advocacy movement that's uncovering some surprising results about the kind of narratives that will win over the public.

Aidan Kankyoku of Pax Fauna joins us to share about a major research project their organzation undertook to find out why the public is expressing concern about the harm of the meat industry, yet they continue to buy it.

Aidan will take us through the 15 recommendations of their study about reframing the way we talk about animal issues that will actually reach people, including:

  • Avoiding health-centered messaging
  • Telling stories of change through collective voting rather than individual consumer diet change
  • Toning down the emotional language that's seen as manipulative, but finding ways to turn UP the emotional connection
  • Empathizing with the rationalizations of meat-eaters

If you want your advocacy messaging to actually move the needle for animals, this is a session not to be missed.

*We invite folks to have their video on during this event to enhance the sense of community, but itā€™s not mandatory

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About Aidan Kankyoku:Ā 

Since getting their start as a community organizer with Direct Action Everywhere in Colorado in 2015, Aidan has been immersed in studying the craft of disruptive mass movements. Besides spending years organizing in the animal freedom movement, Aidan has gained a broad perspective on mass movement building through hands-on experience at the Standing Rock #NoDAPL protests in South Dakota, Extinction Rebellion in London, and elsewhere. They have spent years seeking out new tools and methods for organizing, from better digital communication platforms to organizational governance systems like Holacracy, in order to lay the groundwork for Pax Fauna and a new mass movement for animal freedom.

Animal Justice Academy is a free online training program, community (8000 strong!), & action collective for those who want to make a better world for animals

We offer a self-paced course and ongoing live panels & workshops in becoming effective & enduring advocates for animals through politics, media, community engagement, policy, promotion of veganism, and public outreach. Sign up for free at

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